Apotheke Windischgarsten

The FUNDamentals Series – #2 Blue skies ahead with Leverhulme Trust

It’s time for the second installment of our FUNDamentals series!

These 2 page briefs will provide all the foundations you need to get acquainted with funder priorities, tips, keys schemes and other useful insights.

A committed philanthropist throughout his life, when he died in 1925 Lord Leverhulme left a proportion of his holdings in Lever Brothers to provide ‘scholarships for… research and education’ – and so the Leverhulme Trust came into being. Today the Trust is amongst the largest all-subject providers of research funding in the UK and is popular among academics seeking funding for “blue sky research”. Check out our FUNDamental here for the basics, and hints and tips to secure Leverhulme funding.

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