
Moments from the Bonfire Night in HarrowMoments from the Bonfire Night in Harrow

Moments from the Bonfire Night in Harrow

November 6 was a special day for Harrow, because both Diwali and Bonfire night were celebrated at once. This year…

3 years ago
Bonfire night: celebration day in BritainBonfire night: celebration day in Britain

Bonfire night: celebration day in Britain

Today, Britain is celebrating Guy Fawkes day, or Bonfire night. Happening every year on 5th November, England is commemorating the failure…

3 years ago
Guy Fawkes is a glorified terroristGuy Fawkes is a glorified terrorist

Guy Fawkes is a glorified terrorist

Modern-day plots would most certainly, and rightfully, be recognised as terrorism. Haras Rafiq, a counter-terrorism expert, disclosed to ‘History Extra’…

5 years ago
Fireworks are not your pet’s friendFireworks are not your pet’s friend

Fireworks are not your pet’s friend

While Bonfire Night fireworks may be entertaining for us humans, animals aren’t having any fun.   During the past week,…

6 years ago

Stick it to the man- why we celebrate Guy Fawkes

Words: Leanne Hall | Subbed: Brenda Zini Remember, remember, the 5th of November. On the same day, over 400-years-ago, Guy…

7 years ago

“Make Them Suffer” won’t make you suffer anymore

Words: Sal Fasone | Subbing: Bella Dawe The metalcore band from Australia are back in the United Kingdom for an…

7 years ago

5 movies to watch in case you miss the Bonfire Night fireworks

Words: Marija Tomsone | Subbing: Lavinia Petrucci Remember, remember the fifth of November, Gunpowder treason and plot. We see no…

7 years ago