There’s one problem with the vegan cheese launch at Pizza Hut

Since the vegan cheese announcement, there’s been lots of positive reaction, but it looks like Pizza Hut have made one huge mistake.

Credit: Pizza Hut

“It was so sick I loved it,” is what, new vegan Akash Ruparelia, told the Voice of London, as one of the first people to try the vegan pizza.

His sister, vegan as well, Shivani Ruparelia is “beyond excited,” and is going to go there [Pizza Hut] to show support, even though she “hates pizza.”

Gareth Hopley, Head of Communications at Pizza Hut Restaurants, told the Independent:

“We’re excited that all of our cheese-loving vegan customers will be able to grab a slice of the action and no longer have to miss out – we can’t wait to hear their thoughts!”

This comes after an “amazing customer response” to Pizza Hut’s vegan cheese trial earlier this year.

Credit: Violife


The vegan cheese used in Pizza Hut is from Violife, who say that their cheese is suitable for those who have allergies, intolerances or conditions. These include lactose, gluten, nut and soy intolerances, as well as coeliac disease, according to their website.

Meat eaters, have also welcomed the the vegan cheese, Awaase Sohail, 20, said:

“This helps me in the situation where I have to order a pizza for my friend who is a vegan. This saves me the embarrassment of ordering a pizza without cheese on the base as usually people are weirded out when they hear that.”

“I’m waiting for vegan cheese that will actually have the texture of normal cheese, like stringy enough.” Vegan for three years, Klaudia Chacewicz, said that she will try the pizza as soon as she can.

Here’s her reaction to the launch of the vegan cheese at Pizza Hut:

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Despite the positive response from vegans and non vegans, there’s one problem that Pizza Hut never addressed.

There’s no vegan option for online orders on the Pizza Hut delivery website, Amy expressed her concern on Twitter:

For now, there are only options for normal, extra, less, and no cheese, online, no vegan option.

The Voice of London have asked Pizza Hut to comment.


Words: Dipali Limbachia | Subbing: Charlotte Racher

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