Mo Sistas is a way for women to participate in the Movember Movement this month.
“I usually pluck it or I wax it. When I was younger, it was very lush – I had a passionate moustache – but it’s kind of moved to under my chin now so we’ll just see what we get.”
The Loose’s Women panellist Nadia Sawalha told her co-panellists on growing her stache this Movember. Sawalha is ditching her wax to show support for her husband who is growing his beard for the movement.
Movember began in 2004 in Melbourne, Australia when a bunch of friends decided to grow their moustache and commit to 30 hairy days to raise awareness for prostate cancer, testicular cancer and men’s mental health. It has since become a global men’s health movement.
During November people partake to raise money, host discussions and make difference in the way people think about health and masculinity. According to the Prostate Cancer Foundation, a man is 35% more likely to be diagnosed with prostate cancer than a woman is to be diagnosed with breast cancer.
A spokesperson from the Movember Foundation UK told The Voice of London: “by starting conversations and having men take action to address any health problems they may be experiencing, Mo Sistas can have a real impact.”
The Movember Foundation also adds that “women who want to support the dads, brothers, sons and mates in their lives are an equally important part of our fundraising community.”
And that is why both, men and women should support Movember. In the past, it’s been primarily men championing the movement but It does not have to be – ready, set, grow and become a #MoSista.
While women can’t style a sexy moustache, they can join the movement and make a difference. Disease has no friend. It comes after everyone.
“Our Mo Sistas act as agents of change by inspiring the men in their lives: their friends, colleagues, family members and partners to take an active role in their health” the foundation continues and states that research has shown that most men see a doctor if they are encouraged to by their partners.
So now, women can take their place in this fundraising, take part in the discussion and make a difference together with their fathers, brothers, sons and friends. Ditching the wax this month is one way but anything you can to raise awareness for these illnesses has an overall positive impact on society as a whole.
Share your support using #MoSista
LADIES! There are lots of ways to get involved with #Movember: donate, fundraise, host an event or MOVE:
We all have men in our lives! #MoSista #Movember #YYC
— Movember Calgary (@MOcalgary) October 31, 2018
Another year, another Mo.
This month means a lot to me & each year I do it for my Pops; a Prostate Cancer survivor. He’s the real G. Grow a stash. Make a donation. Keep spreading the awareness. Link to my page:
#Movember #MoSista
— PreetFit (@preetfit) November 1, 2018
It is coming – are YOU going to make a difference?? @movember #mosista #putyourmoneywhereyourMOis #donate #changelives #jnj #neostrata
— Heather Mott (@Heather_Chemist) October 28, 2018
My first walk to work for @MovemberUK @Movember to raise awareness of mens #mentalhealth we loose too many young men to suicide each yeah help #Movember stop it #MoSista
— Hannah Wakeford (@StellarPlanet) November 1, 2018
Photo credit: Noura Abou Zeinab
Words by Noura Abou Zeinab | Subbing by Memuna Konteh