Tiffany Pearmund, a third-year student on our English Literature and History BA course takes us through her daily routine to give you a glimpse into what a typical week looks like in her life. Between history classes, French tutoring and guitar lessons, and her work as a Senior Student Ambassador, every day brings something different!
On Mondays I like to wake up early to get some work done before leaving the house. However, this week I slept in a bit because I’d been to the cinema the night before. Once I was ready, I left and went to the gym for a pump class. (I really enjoy going to the gym on campus, it enables me to meet people from Westminster who are not on my course and the gym membership is free too which is super useful as a student!) After the gym, I stayed on campus, studied for a few hours until my afternoon history class on the English Sex Scandal. Once that was done, as I am a Senior Student Ambassador, I spent a few hours training two Student Ambassadors for campus tours. To finish my day, I headed to the Hideaway and caught the last half hour of Home Alone, which was playing as part of the Student Union’s Movie Mondays, with a friend.
On Tuesdays, I have a history class on the Vietnam War in the morning, then I stick around for lunch with a friend. (I usually bring a packed lunch as I really enjoy cooking and it is also cheaper and quicker than going out for lunch when you only have a one-hour break.) In the afternoon, I have a history class on the Collapse of Communism and then I am done with classes for the day. That day, I had Campus Tour training again so I stuck around for a few hours training some fellow ambassadors. Once that was done, I headed to the gym to do some treadmill work. I then went to the Hideaway to wish luck to some friends doing their acting society showcase and headed home.
On Wednesdays, I make myself a nice breakfast which I eat whilst doing my homework for my Spanish class later that day. This week, I had an appointment and decided to walk there. When I came home, I made myself some lunch and did some more studying until about 2pm where I had a quick meeting with the Student Ambassador Scheme for some feedback and then a revalidation meeting at 2:15pm for my course. Once that was done, I got ready and went to my Spanish Heritage Speakers class. I finish class at 6pm and usually stay until at least 7pm because the tubes are crazy at that time! I did some admin and dissertation work in an empty classroom and then headed to the gym to drop some flyers for an event I was working, before heading home.
Every other week I take a two-hour guitar class in the morning so Thursday started off with that. Then, I listened to a podcast about the artist Dom Sylvester Houédard as part of my homework for my Artist’s Use of Text class later that day which was taking place at the Victoria and Albert Museum in South Kensington. After my studying session and some lunch and admin, I headed to the V&A for my class which revolved around the artists’ typewriting art which we accessed in the archives. The class finished ten minutes early so I headed to a card shop to buy a birthday card for a friend. After I got home, I wrote in the card and headed out to a pub close by where my friend was celebrating their birthday with some dinner and drinks, it was a very fun evening with lots of laughs!
This semester I don’t have class on Fridays so I slept in and then did some admin and made some calls. Later, I headed to a feedback meeting for the Student Ambassador Campus Tour trainings in Marylebone. Then, I walked with a co-ambassador to Regent Street to do some studying before my shift. I also headed to the gym for a quick session. After this, I got ready for my shift in Fyvie Hall. I worked alongside a team of people I’ve worked with before and we all get along very well so it was a successful evening. The event revolved around organ playing and new works from Westminster students. The Regent Street campus was very busy that evening as several events were happening at the same time. Usually, if I don’t work an event on Fridays, I tutor French in the afternoon and then go out with friends in the evening.
On Saturdays, if I am not working, I like to spend the day doing anything I do not have time to do before the weekend. This Saturday, I did my food shop, meal prep and some homemade lemonade so I spent quite a bit of time in the kitchen! I was on a roll and decided to also deep clean my apartment. After that, I went on a walk and bought a bouquet of flowers on my way back. In the evening, I did some reading and stretching to rest and allow my body and mind to recover from the week.
On Sundays, I like to take a dance class with a friend. We usually do either Zumba or Tap and then grab lunch in some of our favourite spots in Covent Garden. This weekend, my friend sent me some nice pictures they had developed from their camera of us. I usually study a bit when I get home too and plan out my week. This evening, my brother and I went out for a walk in a park with some hot cacao. On our way back, we bought some pizzas and sat down for a TV and pizza night together and a much-needed catch up.
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As one of the most diverse universities in the UK, we are a global university with London energy, with more than 19,000 students from 169 countries. To find out more about our English and Creative Writing and History courses, visit our website.