Gender: characteristics of men and women which are socially constructed e.g. how men and women should behave, the different roles men and women have, what men and women are entitled to. Gender is not the same as sex, which refers to the biological and physiological characteristics of men and women.
Gender equality: Everyone, irrespective of gender, has equal rights, responsibilities and opportunities. Everyone, irrespective of gender, has equal power and equal opportunity to achieve financial independence, education, personal development, economic participation and decision-making.
Gender-blind approach: does not take into account the different priorities, capabilities and needs of men and women. As this approach does not differentiate between men and women, it can be harmful because it assumes that a particular practice generates the same impact or effect for men and women.
Gender-sensitive approach: practice which is informed by knowledge and understanding of the differences between men and women and how the differences give rise to different needs, interests and priorities. A gender-sensitive approach would remove barriers to women’s progression by meeting their specific needs.
Gender empowerment: Women’s empowerment has five components (UN definition):
- women’s sense of self-worth;
- their right to have and to determine choices;
- their right to have access to opportunities and resources;
- their right to have the power to control their own lives, both within and outside the home;
- their ability to influence the direction of social change to create a more just social and economic order, nationally and internationally.
Impact: the difference you make through your practice. Collecting evidence of impact can help you prioritise your resources, improve planning and demonstrate accountability to your funders.
Latest posts by Maria Granados (see all)
- Part 5: Potential challenges in empowering women - 6 September 2022
- Part 4: How to measure the impact of Gender empowerment practices - 6 September 2022
- Part 3: Practices to empower women in social enterprises - 6 September 2022