Built Environment and Health

IHUL External Advisory Board

The eight members of the external advisory board provide industry (public, private and third sector) wide expertise and play a pivotal role in fostering continued growth within the Institute. Through their diversity of knowledge and experience they guide the direction of the Institute across the complex field of urban health and wellbeing.

IHUL to host Urbanistas evening with Jenny Dawson from healthy Homes Hub – Tuesday, January 28th 6 – 8:30pm GMT

https://www.eventbrite.com/e/urbanistas-meets-jenny-danson-of-healthy-homes-hub-tickets-1205594508629?utm_experiment=test_share_listing&aff=ebdsshios Urbanistas, in conjunction with the Institute of Healthy Urban Living at Westminster University, has arranged an evening with Jenny Danson of the recently launched Healthy Homes Hub. Whilst learning about the mission of Healthy…

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