Project Support Centre

Opening times

Term time schedule

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

Closed for lunch 12pm - 1pm each day

Closed all day Saturday and Sunday and bank holidays

Visit the School

The Project Support Centre is located in the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Westminster.

Visit the School of Architecture and the Built Environment

Academic journals

This page provides links to academic journals. Although links to these journals are arranged under the themes below, it is important that you check journals under related themes. For example, tourism topics can also be found among planning journals.

Publishers of these journals allow you to sign up to receive alerts when new issues of a particular journal are available. Check individual journal pages on how to do this.

University of Westminster staff and students have access to full text to the majority of the journals listed below. Journal titles which do not have full text available are indicated with an asterisk (*). Paper copies of these may be held in the library, so check Library Search.

The PSC website also provides links to newsletters and journals. These are not academic articles, but provide the latest news, features and case studies on subjects taught in the Faculty. You can view the page here.


Construction and architecture


Environment, climate change and disasters



International planning and development

Planning, urban design, regeneration and regional policy


Sustainable development

Tourism and events



Construction and architecture

Architectural Design

 Architectural Engineering and Design Management  

Architectural Research Quarterly      

Architectural Review

Architecture, City and Environment

Building and Environment

Building Research & Information

Building Services Engineering Research & Technology

Construction Management and Economics 

Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management 

Intelligent Buildings International *

International Journal of Islamic Architecture *

International Journal of Project Management

International Journal of Sustainable Building Technology and Urban Development *

International Journal of the Constructed Environment *

Journal of Architecture

Journal of Building Performance Simulation  *

Journal of Construction Engineering and Management *

Journal of Construction in Developing Countries

Journal of Engineering and Architecture

Journal of Information Technology in Construction 

Proceedings of ICE: Civil Engineering *

Proceedings of ICE: Construction materials *

Proceedings of ICE: Engineering Sustainability *

Proceedings of the ICE, Management, Procurement and Law *

Proceedings of the ICE: Municipal Engineer *

Proceedings of the ICE: Structures and Buildings *

Smart and Sustainable Built Environment *

Structural Survey



Energy and Buildings

Proceedings of ICE: Energy *

Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews *


Environment, climate change and disasters

Climate Risk Management


Environment & Behaviour

Environment and Urbanization

Environmental Development

Environmental Impact Assessment Review 

Environmental Politics

Environmental Policy and Governance

Environmental Science and Policy

Ethics, Policy and Environment

Global Environmental Change

Global Environmental Politics *

Habitat International

International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management *

International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment  *

Journal of Environment and Development

Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management *

Journal of Environmental Law

Journal of Environmental Planning and Management

Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning

Journal of Flood Risk Management *

Nature Climate Change *

Transnational Environmental Law

Urban Climate

Urban Forestry & Urban Greening

Urban Water Journal *

Wiley Disciplinary Reviews: Climate Change  *



European Journal of Development Research

European Journal of Spatial Development

European Planning Studies

European Urban & Regional Studies

Journal of Contemporary European Research *

Journal of Contemporary European Studies

Journal of European Public Policy



Housing Studies 

Housing Theory and Society

International Journal of Housing Policy

Journal of Housing and the Built Environment


International planning and development


Cities Today


City & Society


Development in Practice

Geographical Journal

Geography Compass

IDS Bulletin

International Development Planning Review

International Journal of Heritage Studies 

International Journal of Urban and Regional Research

International Planning Studies

Journal of American Planning Association

Journal of Asian Public Policy *

Journal of International Development

Journal of Urbanism

Land Use Policy

Landscape and Urban Planning

Landscape Research

Progress in Human Geography

Spaces and flows: An international journal of urban and extraurban studies *

Third World Quarterly

Urban Affairs Review

Urban Geography

Urban Morphology *

Urban Policy and Research

Urban Research and Practice

Urban Studies World Heritage News


Planning, urban design, regeneration and regional policy


Built Environment *

Community Development Journal

Critical Social Policy

Cultural Trends

Environment and Planning A

Environment and Planning B

Environment and Planning C

Environment and Planning D

The Historic Environment *

Journal of Planning Education and Research

Journal of Planning History

Journal of Planning Literature

Journal of Urban Design

Journal of Urban History

Journal of Urban Regeneration and Renewal *

Local Economy

Local Government Studies

People, Place and Policy

Place Branding & Public Diplomacy *

Planning and Environmental Law

Planning Perspectives

Planning Practice & Research

Planning Theory

Planning, Theory & Practice

Policy & Politics

Policy Studies

Proceedings of the ICE: Urban design and planning *

Progress in Planning

Public Administration

Regional Insights *

Regional Science and Urban Economics

Regional Studies

Spaces and Flows: An International Journal of Urban and ExtraUrban Studies *

Town Planning Review

Urban Design

Urban Design International

Urban History



International Journal of Law in the Built Environment

Journal of Corporate Real Estate

Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction*

Journal of Property Investment & Finance

Journal of Property Research

Property Management


Sustainable development

Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability

Ecology & Society

Environment, Development and Sustainability


International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment 

International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning

International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology

International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development

Local Environment

Natural Resources Forum

Nature and Culture *

OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development

Proceedings of the ICE: Waste and Resource Management *

Proceedings of the ICE: Water management *

Sustainable Cities and Society

Sustainable Development



Tourism and events


Annals of Tourism Research

Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research

Current Issues in Tourism

European Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Recreation

International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management

International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research

International Journal of Event and Festival Management *

International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Administration

International Journal of Hospitality Management

International Journal of Leisure and Tourism Marketing *

International Journal of Responsible Tourism

International Journal of Tourism Research

Journal of Convention and Event Tourism

Journal of Destination Management and Marketing

Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management

Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research

Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology *

Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education

Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management

Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism

Journal of Place Management and Development *

Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events

Journal of Sport & Tourism

Journal of Sustainable Tourism

Journal of Tourism and Consumption Practice

Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change

Journal of Tourism and Cultural Heritage

Journal of Tourism History *

Journal of Tourism Research and Hospitality *

Journal of Travel Research

Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing

Leisure Studies

Managing Leisure

Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism


Tourism Analysis *

Tourism Economics *

Tourism Geographies

Tourism Management

Tourism Management Perspectives

Tourism Planning and Development

Tourism Review *

Tourismos: An international Multidisciplinary Journal of Tourism

Tourist Studies


Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes *



Case Studies on Transport Policy

International Journal for Traffic and Transportation Engineering

Journal of Rail Transport Planning and Management

Journal of Transport Geography

Proceedings of the ICE: Transport *

Research in Transportation Business & Management

Transport Policy

Transport Reviews

Transportation Planning and Technology

Transportation Research Part D

Travel Behaviour and Society

World Transport Policy and Practice










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