Project Support Centre

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Term time schedule

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

Closed for lunch 12pm - 1pm each day

Closed all day Saturday and Sunday and bank holidays

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The Project Support Centre is located in the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Westminster.

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Journals and newsletters

These journals and newsletters provide up-to-date news on subjects studied in the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment. It may be possible to register on individual titles to receive details of new updates.

The journals are arranged under the following categories:

Architecture, Construction and Property


AEC Magazine

This bi-monthly journal is described as is the only title devoted exclusively to architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) technology solutions in use throughout Building, Architecture, Civil & Structural Engineering. Particular focus is placed on Building Information Modelling.


AECB (Association for Environment Conscious Building) Newsletter 

AECB, the Sustainable Building Association, is a network of individuals and companies with a common aim of promoting sustainable building. It brings together builders, architects, designers, manufacturers, housing associations and local authorities, to develop, share and promote best practice in environmentally sustainable building.


Architects Data File

The Architecture Centre Network is the development and advocacy organisation for 22 architecture centres in England and Northern Ireland.


Architectural Technology

Architectural Technology is the only magazine in the UK dedicated to Architectural Technology. Published quarterly, the magazine features industry news and events, technical articles, details of new publications and software along with current news and updates from the Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists .


BRE Monthly e-newsletter

Free registration required for access.


The Builder


Builder & Engineer 

Builder & Engineer is a bi-monthly, editorially driven publication, with a mixture of news, interviews, industry features, product launch information and in-depth coverage of all aspects of the UK construction sector. The publication is a broad based magazine with a more diverse coverage of the construction marketplace than any publication available and as such offers an indispensible read for the increasingly busy construction professional.



This site provides information on sustainability, innovation and best practice in the built environment. You can sign up to receive a regular weekly newsletter.



Website for Building, the weekly magazine for the construction industry.


Building Conservation Journal 

Register online to access this RICS journal.


Building Control Journal 

Register online to access this RICS journal.


Building News

The national trade paper for the building industry.


Building Surveying Journal 

Register online to access this RICS journal.


Building Design

Each Friday, Building Design brings you the latest architecture news, analysis, buildings and opinions. The website provides access to the best stories from the latest print edition of Building Design. BD Magazine provides a monthly in-depth look at one key sector of the architecture market.


Buildoffsite Briefing

A newsletter from an industry-wide campaigning organisation that promotes greater uptake of offsite techniques by UK construction.


CIB Newsletter  

This is the newsletter of the International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction which provides a global network for international exchange and cooperation in research and innovation in building and construction.


CIBSE Journal

The monthly journal of the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers.


Concrete Quarterly  

Concrete Quarterly (CQ) is aimed at all members of the project team. It demonstrates the potential of concrete in terms of architectural vision, structural solutions, best practice and performance. In addition to covering concrete projects, large and small but always innovative and interesting, CQ provides a regular update of industry news and viewpoints from recognised industry figures.


Construction Europe

A journal from the KHL Group, described as the leading supplier of international construction information in the world.


The Construction Index 

A new construction magazine, The Construction Index, has been launched, aimed at main contractors, specialist contractors and plant hirers, and many other organisations in the construction supply chain, say its publishers. The magazine is available in print, digital and ‘tablet’ formats. The digital and iPad versions are available free of charge, with the print version distributed free to selected readers.


The Construction Information Service Briefing

The Construction Information Service is an expert knowledge tool that delivers key technical information critical to all construction projects in one easy-to-use on-line package. The extensive range of full-text documents cover all aspects of the building, engineering, design and construction processes. Access to the service, including a monthly Briefing is via Infolinx. A paper copy of the briefing is held in the Project Support Centre.


Construction Journal 

Register online to access this RICS journal.


Construction Manager

Digital version of this monthly magazine.


Construction Research and Innovation

The Chartered Institute of Building quarterly publication, a successor to the Construction Information Quarterly. This is available through the Construction Information Service.


CTBUH Newsletter

Newsletter from the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat.


E:gen newsletter

This bimonthly newsletter from law firm Winkworth Sherwood considers legal issues affecting the regeneration and development sectors.


Eco Building News  

Eco Building News actively encourage the use of ecological and sustainable products for the building industry and our future. It covers all aspects and issues pertaining to the green built environment and sustainable solutions.


Estates Gazette

This weekly magazine provides news and information on estates and property, covering the current property market, people and companies, and property-related legal materials. A more extensive information service is provided online through Estates Gazette Interactive (EGi) which can be accessed through Library Search. This provides the EGi login password which you will need when you first log in.


Euro Property Trends

Presents the latest trends in the European commercial property market.



This is the bi-annual magazine issued by the Construction Industry Research and Information Association (CIRIA)


Facilities Management World  

The journal of the British Institute of Facilities Management.


Government Construction Newsletter 

A quarterly newsletter from the Cabinet Office.


International Construction

A journal from the KHL Group, described as the leading supplier of international construction information in the world.


Land Journal (RICS)

Register on the RICS website to view this journal.


Mainstreaming Innovation

Quarterly journal from the Mainstreaming Innovation, a joint project of nine Scottish universities, led by Glasgow Caledonian University, which aims to reduce carbon emissions by supporting academic/industry collaboration in testing the integration of sustainable infrastructure into the existing built environment (e.g. housing, education, healthcare and other building estates).


Mineral Products Today

The aim of the Mineral Products Association is to ensure that members are recognised and valued for supplying essential materials for a sustainable future, in a manner that is economically viable and socially and environmentally responsible. The first issue of the magazine explores recent activity that demonstrates how these aims are being implemented. The first issue sees Kate Humble exploring the nature inhabiting the Lanehead Quarry near Clitheroe; highlights the National Memorial Arboretum in Staffordshire winners of the quarry restoration award and includes a newsround of key achievements by member companies.


Modern Building Services   

Modern Building Services Online is the web edition of Modern Building Services (MBS) journal. Modern Building Services covers the entire Building Services Engineering industry. This site contains archived content from the journal, plus web-specific content.


Modus  (RICS)

The journal, formerly RICS Business, aims to present the latest news and views, expert advice and in-depth features spanning the breadth of the surveying profession around the world.


NBS eNewsletter

The NBS (National Building Specification) eNewsletter provides information on a range of topics including the latest updates to Approved Documents, practice management issues, sustainability, contracts and law and design and specification, from NBS in-house technical experts and guest writers. It also showcases new and relevant books with its recommended reading lists, and highlights useful web resources.


New Steel Construction

New Steel Construction is the journal for constructional steelwork, published by the British Constructional Steelwork Association and the Steel Construction Institute. The journal contains industry news, legal updates, and technical articles.



The OPEN BIM Network is a UK based independent, open and non-product specific group facilitated by Constructing Excellence. The primary function of the OPEN BIM Network is to inform industry about Open BIM, what it means, why it is increasingly becoming the global solution of choice, how it can be done and what, collectively, industry can do to accelerate its adoption. Focus features all aspects of BIM including theory, planning, implementation, mandatory requirements and case studies.


Planning and Building Control Today 

Quarterly journal covering issues relating to planning and building control.


Property Journal 

Bi-monthly journal from the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors. It incorporates the Residential Property Journal and Commercial Property Journal. Register on the RICS


quebe (Facilities Management magazine)

News  and information for facilities, building & estate management.


Red Book News

The Red Book is a world renowned listing of independently certified products or company services, and is the essential reference for those responsible for the design, specification and purchase of fire and security products. A monthly newsletter is available on registration.


Residential Property Investor

Bi-monthly newsletter of the Residential Landlords Association.


The Structural Engineer 

The monthly journal of the Institution of Structural Engineers.




This newsletter provides the Centre for Sustainable Energy’s latest advice, research, educational and technical information.


Renewable Energy Focus

Renewable Energy Focus provides a forum for debate and dialogue between research, industry, financial organisations and government bodies worldwide. With in-depth coverage and incisive editorial on all areas of renewable energy, the magazine takes an objective look at: Biomass and biogas; Fuel cells; Geothermal; Hydroelectricity; Photovoltaic; Solar architecture; Solar thermal; Tidal and Wave; Wind.


Renewable Energy Installer

Each issue of Renewable Energy Installer covers all technologies relevant to small-scale renewable energy installers – solar thermal, solar pv, biomass, heat pump, wind and hydro. The topics listed on the list below will be featured in-depth in those particular issues. Each magazine will also detail industry news, product news and case studies. In addition, it will regularly be covering matters relevant to every installer, including: MCS certification; electricity feed-in tariffs; planning issues; government targets; legal matters; Building Regulations; Trading Standards issues and payment problems.




Quarterly newsletter from the British Hydrological Society.


CIWEM e-News (Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management)


EWA Newsletter

Newsletter of the European Water Association.


Foundation for Water Research News

Foundation for Water Research (FWR) is an independent, membership based charity dedicated to education and information exchange. It was founded in 1989 and its mission is to advance the education of the public in science, engineering and management of water through specialist forums, reviews of current knowledge, publishing and information support.


Green Places

This journal is described as the only monthly magazine dedicated to planning, designing and maintaining green spaces.


ialeUK newsletter  

The quarterly newsletter of the International Association for Landscape Ecology contains landscape ecology news, articles from ialeUK members, a list of recent landscape ecology publications and international news from IALE.


Inside Track (Green Alliance)

This is the quarterly journal of the Green Alliance, reporting on Green Alliance news and activities and providing a platform for analysis and the views of external experts and opinion formers on environmental themes.


Natura 2000

The Natura 2000 Newsletter is produced by the LIFE and Nature & Biodiversity Units of the Environment Directorate General (DG ENV) of the European Commission. The bulletin is published twice a year.

Our Planet

The magazine of the UN Environment Programme.


Planet Earth

This quarterly journal, published by the Natural Environment Research Council, is aimed at non-specialists with an interest in environmental science.




Environment for Europeans   

This is a quarterly magazine published by the Directorate-General for Environment of the European Commission.


Eurocities Urban Voice

This is a monthly electronic newsletter which promotes and profiles EUROCITIES’ key positions, initiatives and messages on the range of policy areas dealt with by EUROCITIES’ member-led policy forums and working groups. It aims to provide up-to-date information on key developments in EU legislation, policies and programmes, which impact on Europe’s big cities.


European Centre for Nature Conservation Update

This newsletter is one of the communication tools used by the European Centre for Nature Conservation to bringing news of recent developments and activities in nature conservation in Europe. The newsletter is issued five times a year.


ENRD Magazine (European Network for Rural Development)

The European Network for Rural Development (ENRD) is the hub that connects rural development stakeholders throughout the European Union. The newsletter reports on the latest activities.


ICLEI In Europe e-News

The ICLEI in Europe newsletter is produced by the European Secretariat of ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability. ICLEI is a membership organisation of local governments and their associations. To date more than 1,000 municipalities and municipal associations of all sizes from around the world have made a commitment to sustainable development by joining ICLEI.


Panorama Inforegio  

This is the quarterly newsletter from the EU Directorate of Regional Policy. The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission.


The Parliament 

Each fortnight the Parliament Magazine guides you through the maze of European politics with balanced, objective and informative coverage.


Regions & Cities of Europe

This is a bi-monthly newsletter of the Committee of the Regions. The content of this newsletter does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the EU institutions.




Clicks and Mortar

This is a newsletter from the National House-building Council (NHBC). The NHBC NHBC regularly distribute information on a range of industry topics including new products and services, the building industry market, house-building news and house-building statistics. Inside this issue you can access the latest technical publications from NHBC and discover how you can take advantage of their wide range of training courses and free CPD seminars.



Magazine covering UK residential development and regeneration.


Housebuilder & Developer


Housing Association Building & Maintenance

This news resource is devoted to building product specifiers in the housing association market. Readers include architects, surveyors, housing managers, main contractors, maintenance professionals and those involved with development and planning.


Housing Developments

Housing Developments, published by the National House-Builders Council, is a free resource developed specifically for the affordable housing sector designed to report on current industry developments and issues with expert insights into affordable and social housing. Register to receive regular copies.


Housing Market Bulletin

This bulletin provides staff of the Homes and Communities Agency with the latest information on housing market trends, the economy and the housebuilders’ industry.


Inside Housing

Provides daily news on housing issues.


Technical Extra (National House-Building Council)

The National House-Building Council (NHBC) has launched Technical Extra, the result of an extensive review and consultation on the way NHBC communicates technical information to the industry. Customer research has reinforced the need for relevant, up-to-date technical advice, with clearly set out actions confirming exactly what is required, by when, and of whom. ‘Technical Extra’ supersedes Standards Extra, Sustainability Extra and other NHBC technical publications. To provide this clarity, and make it easier to navigate the content, Technical Extra, is sub-divided into four sections: NHBC Standards; Regulations and Compliance; Guidance and Good Practice; and Information and Support.


Local government and London


CPRE London eBulletin

Published every second month, the eBulletin explores the urban green that is London and how planning and environmental policies are shaping – and misshaping – it.


LGA Research Bulletin

The Local Government Association (LGA) which provides news on key issues and developments in research impacting on local government. The bulletin brings together the work of the LGA as well as that of the other members of the LGA group (IDeA, LACORS, LGE, Leadership Centre for Local Government and Local Partnerships), and features relevant publications from the wider research community. The information is grouped under themed areas, including: transport, housing, environment, culture and tourism, communities and place shaping, and Europe.


London Sustainability Exchange Bulletin


London’s Economy Today

A monthly newsletter from the Greater London Authority which presents the latest news on the capital’s economy.



Planning and regeneration


City Matters Bulletin 

A newsletter produced by Urbanicity in partnership with UN Habitat Best Practices and Local Leadership, and in association with the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives.


Conservation Bulletin

This Bulletin is published by English Heritage, providing information on conservation issues. The Bulletin is published three times a year.


Conservation Planner

This bulletin is published by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, providing information on nature and wildlife conservation. It is published twice a year.


Land Lines  

The quarterly journal published by the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, a private operating foundation whose mission is to improve the quality of public debate and decisions in the areas of land policy and land-related taxation in the United States and around the world.



The quarterly journal of the Landscape Institute.


Neighbourhood Planning News

News from consultants on town planning and sustainable development.


The Planner   

Monthly journal of the Royal Town Planning Institute.



This is a planning newsletter. Daily updates can be found on:



Newsletter from SURF, Scotland’s independent regeneration network.


Scottish Planner

Scottish Planner is the bi-monthly journal of RTPI in Scotland.



Newsletter from Living Streets, the organisation which works to create safe, attractive and enjoyable streets, where people want to walk.


Up Front

This monthly bulletin covers all matters connected to neighbourhood planning.


Urban Design

Quarterly journal from the Urban Design Group.

Sustainable Development


Cities Today

Cities Today is the leading magazine on sustainable development of cities. PFD launched the magazine as United Cities in 2010 at the Third UCLG World Congress of Mayors and Local Governments in Mexico City and at the Mayors’ World Summit on Climate. Having worked on publications focusing on urban development for the World Bank, UN-HABITAT, the Inter-American Development Bank and the Asian Development Bank, PFD’s editorial team saw the opportunity to launch the first global publication dedicated to city leaders. Bringing together the experience of the multilateral sector with that of the private sector and the local governments themselves, the magazine focuses on the challenges and solutions for city leaders and local governments. Analysis, case studies and features cover transport, energy, construction, public safety, infrastructure, planning, finance, and the use of Information and Communication Technology in urban development and management. The magazine was rebranded as Cities Today in 2012 to reflect that the magazine was being produced with a new and diverse editorial board that includes not only members of UCLG but also all of the key intergovernmental agencies and city associations active in urban development.


European Sustainable Development Network Quarterly Report  


Green Futures

Green Futures was founded in 1996 by Forum for the Future director Jonathon Porritt, who continues to chair our Advisory Board. Its aim is to lead the debate on how to achieve a sustainable future.


Inclusive Growth Bulletin 

This is a monthly bulletin from the International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth (IPC-IG), the UNDP’s global forum for policy dialogue and South-South learning on development innovations.


Sustainable Development in Action Newsletter  

This newsletter aims to highlight the work carried out by UN Member States, United Nations system, major groups and other relevant stakeholders in implementing sustainable development.


Sustainable Development Research Network Mailing

The Sustainable Development Research Network (SDRN) aims to contribute to sustainable development in the UK by encouraging the better use of evidence and research in policy-making. This newsletter is produced fortnightly.


Tourism and events


Access All Areas 


Attractions Management

Provides daily news on the attractions industry.


Conference & Meetings World

Described as the only truly international magazine dedicated to the global conference and meetings industry, and works closely with key international associations to bring you the latest news and strategic thinking on issues closest to the meetings industry’s heart.


Conference News


Countryside Recreation Network News 

The Countryside Recreation Network is a Network covering the UK and Republic of Ireland. CRN gives easy access to information and people concerned with countryside and recreation related matters. The Network reaches a variety of organisations and individuals in the statutory, private and public sectors, exchanging and sharing information to develop best policy and practice in countryside recreation. This bulletin is published three times a year.


Exhibition News

Exhibition News is the must-read magazine for the UK exhibition industry. The magazine features regular interviews with industry gurus and opinion leaders as well as analysis of the sector’s performance and trends. Its independent editorial challenges the traditional thinking surrounding the exhibition industry and makes Exhibition News essential reading if you want to remain at the cutting edge of the industry.


Exhibition World

Exhibition World tackles the key issues affecting the exhibition industry. The magazine features regular interviews with key global industry decision-makers and publishes regional and sectoral reports on the industry. Allied to its news coverage, these contents make Exhibition World a vital tool and information source for companies and organisations active in the global exhibition market providing a guide to action and enabling them to do better business both in their own country and in foreign markets.


Global Business Travel 

Instead of focusing on breaking news or business travel scandals, Global Business Travel Magazine reflects the voices of the business travel industry and carries the feel of a consumer-oriented magazine. Not a traditional association trade publication, it’s an in-depth view into the world and lives of business travel professionals and the travelers with whom they interact.


HVS newsletter

HVS is the world’s leading consulting and services organization focused on the hotel, restaurant, shared ownership, gaming, and leisure industries. Sign up here to receive a free weekly newsletter.


Leisure Management

Provides daily news on leisure management.


Leisure Opportunities


Leisure Property

Provides daily news on the leisure property market.


Meetings Review

Provides news on the global meetings and events industry. Join to receive a free weekly news roundup.


PATA Conversations

PATA Conversations is a monthly, digital publication focusing on the travel industry within the Asia Pacific region and beyond. This digital magazine features curated interviews with the industry’s greatest minds and decision makers, from CEOs to corporate travel planners to on-the-ground tour guides, sharing their insight into travel trends, education and personal achievement.


Tourism Review Online Magazine  

Tourism Review is a news portal with multi-site locations publishing news articles about and for the tourism industry.


Travel Daily News

TravelDailyNews is a network of news portals for the travel professionals


Travel GBI  

This monthly newsletter covers domestic travel, tourism and business news in England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales.


Travel Trade Gazette  

Weekly journal on the travel industry.


Travelweekly Insight

A monthly digest of travel news from the publishers of Travel Weekly.


Travel Weekly  

Weekly journal on the travel industry.



Travolution is the UK’s leading multi-media brand for the online travel industry, published by the TW Group. Covering the traditional travel market plus the new breed of online players, Travolution provides essential information, commentary, market intelligence and analysis for anyone in, or running an online travel business.


UNWTO News  

Monthly newsletter from the World Tourism Organisation.


VisitBritain News

VisitBritain produces this fortnightly e-newsletter providing its latest international market intelligence, partnership marketing opportunities, tourism events and news. Sign up to receive copies.




Airlines International  

Bi-monthly magazine from the International Air Transport Association (IATA).


Airports Council International Europe

A daily round-up of aviation stories in Europe is available here.



This newsletter covers public transport news and updates from a European perspective. It is published by UITP, the international organisation for public transport authorities and operators, policy decision-makers, scientific institutes and the public transport supply.


ICAO Journal 

The objective of the Journal is to provide a concise account of the activities of the International Civil Aviation Organization and to feature additional information of interest to Contracting States and the international aeronautical world.


Logistics & Transport Focus 

Monthly journal from the Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport.


MOVE: The CIVITAS Initiative quarterly newsletter 

The CIVITAS Initiative has unveiled the first edition of Move, a quarterly newsletter that contains the latest news on sustainable urban mobility. CIVITAS is a European Commission initiative involving cities across Europe, which supports and evaluates the implementation of integrated sustainable urban transport strategies that should make a real difference to the welfare of European citizens. Move explains developments in the field, including the innovative actions being taken by pioneering CIVITAS cities, and policy updates from the European Commission. The first edition focuses on cleaner and better transport in CIVITAS Plus cities, with news from Gent (Belgium), Utrecht (Netherlands), Burgos (Spain), Coimbra (Portugal), Zagreb (Croatia) and Donostia – San Sebastián (Spain). The city in profile is Gorna Oryahovitsa (Bulgaria), while this edition’s big event is the CIVITAS Forum Conference 2009 hosted by Krakow (Poland).


Regional International 

This bi-monthly journal from the European Regions Airline Association aims to ensure that its readers are up-to-date with the ever-changing European aviation community. Regular columns provide authoritative reporting and coverage of the latest legislative and regulatory developments and expert comment analyses their impact on the sector.


The Review

Newsletter from transport consultants Steer Davies Gleave.


Transport & Environment Bulletin 

Established in 1990, Transport & Environment has grown to become the principal environmental organisation campaigning on sustainable transport at the EU level in Brussels. The bulletin is published 10 times a year.



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