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Term time schedule

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

Closed for lunch 12pm - 1pm each day

Closed all day Saturday and Sunday and bank holidays

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The Project Support Centre is located in the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Westminster.

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Energy efficiency and historic buildings: Energy Performance Certificates

Posted on: 29 May 2014
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This guidance is aimed at homeowners and those managing or renting historic or older domestic buildings who may need to commission an Energy Performance Certificate or who have received one for an older property that has been purchased or rented. Details are provided on the type of information included in an EPC, how it is calculated and its limitations as an assessment method when applied to older buildings. The guidance also covers the issues to be taken into account when commissioning an EPC and considering its recommendations.

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The economic impact on UK energy policy of shale gas and oil

Posted on: 8 May 2014
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The House of Lords Economic Affairs Committee has called on the Government to do more to bring forward development of the UK’s shale gas and oil resource and ensure that the UK enjoys the substantial benefits shale gas can bring to the economy, to national energy security and to the environment.  

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The UK’s National Energy Efficiency Action Plan and Building Renovation Strategy

Posted on: 1 May 2014
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The NEEAP explains how the implementation of the Energy Efficiency Directive will help realise the UK’s cost effective energy efficiency potential.

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The ECO: an evaluation of year 1

Posted on: 1 May 2014
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The Centre for Sustainable Energy has completed an independent evaluation of the first year of the Energy Company Obligation, including its interactions with the Green Deal. The evaluation shows the ECO as a new scheme beginning to pick up speed after a slow start. After one year it was being delivered within the original estimated costs. But it was not meeting one of its core aims, which was to develop a market for solid wall insulation. This was mainly due to a design flaw in the policy which allowed energy suppliers to prioritise cheaper, easier measures. There was also very little activity in rural areas. The report makes a number of recommendations.

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Retrofit for the future: Reducing energy use in existing homes

Posted on: 1 May 2014
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This report shares the lessons from a research project that set the target of cutting CO2 emissions from existing homes by up to 80%. The Technology Strategy Board’s Retrofit for the Future programme explored retrofit innovation through 86 home upgrading projects. The research programme was supported by government and delivered with the support of industry partners including the Energy Saving Trust. The looks in detail at the lessons from 40 of the projects. It identifies six priority areas that provide a framework for successful retrofit: retrofit planning; building fabric; indoor air quality; services; working on site; and engaging residents. 

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Exploring a regional approach to EU energy policies

Posted on: 30 April 2014
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A new report by the Centre for European Policy Studies explores whether regional energy initiatives are an efficient, effective and politically acceptable approach toward reaching three EU energy policy objectives: competitiveness, supply security and sustainability.

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Gone with the wind: Valuing the visual impacts of wind turbines through house prices

Posted on: 28 April 2014
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This report, from the LSE’s Spatial Economics Research Centre, provides quantitative evidence on the local benefits and costs of wind farm developments in England and Wales, focusing on their visual environmental impacts. In the tradition of studies in environmental, public and urban economics, housing costs are used to reveal local preferences for views of wind farm developments.

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Energy efficiency in old buildings

Posted on: 25 April 2014
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The Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings [SPAB] have published a briefing which offers a summary of its interest in sympathetic energy efficiency improvements to old buildings. The recent briefing on energy efficiency intends to bring clarity to the methods, materials and debate that that will help ensure that historic buildings continue to be sustainable in the future. This includes information of SPAB’s research on the energy efficiency performance of old buildings.

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Making energy audits work for a resilient building portfolio

Posted on: 24 April 2014
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Energy audits should be carried out regularly on buildings as a part of maintenance contracts, according to a briefing paper from professionals in the sector. The paper argues that audits help to identify any increases or decreases in end use loads, which can inform the areas for further investigation and this could lead to uncovering related issues of occupant comfort, air quality and day lighting levels. 

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Getting ready for UK shale gas

Posted on: 24 April 2014
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A shale gas supply chain report showing huge potential economic benefits to the UK economy and measures to minimise the environmental impacts of shale gas have been announced by the Government.

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