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Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

Closed for lunch 12pm - 1pm each day

Closed all day Saturday and Sunday and bank holidays

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The Project Support Centre is located in the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Westminster.

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Notes on Neighbourhood Planning: Issue 8

Posted on: 10 December 2013
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This bulletin from the neighbourhood planning team in the Department for Communities and Local Government provides an update on the latest news and policy developments, how the neighbourhood planning team can help communities, and how communities’ varied work on the ground fits with the national picture.

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Neighbourhood planning for business

Posted on: 29 November 2013
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The British Property Federation has launched a website to support the business-led route to neighbourhood planning. While community planning is usually associated with rural parish councils and particularly vocal residents’ groups in housing hotspots, there are several exaples of business-led neighbourhood plans, such as Milton Keynes and the Bankside area in central London. There are likely to be many more if the model is embraced by business improvement districts.  The BPF says its neighbourhood planning website provides a comprehensive resource for businesses keen to engage in the neighbourhood planning process and provides a range of business-led case studies for inspiration.

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Love thy neighbour: People and place in social reform

Posted on: 15 November 2013
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This report from the Institute for Public Policy Research rethinks the legacy and future potential of neighbourhoods policy, and considers what we mean by ‘good neighbourhoods’. It presents evidence of how and why UK neighbourhoods are changing, and what strategies can improve them.

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Successful development of the Thame neighbourhood plan: a case study

Posted on: 25 October 2013
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Thame was one of the first communities to get a neighbourhood plan in place.  As a front runner, the South Oxfordshire District Council and Thame Town Council have pioneered the process of developing neighbourhood plans. Their experience with the process and with working together provides invaluable advice to help other councils to work effectively on translating community aspirations into plans for the future.

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Neighbourhood planning: Involving businesses and landowners

Posted on: 3 September 2013
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The purpose of this information paper is to provide members of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) with background information on the introduction of permissive rights for communities and businesses to prepare Neighbourhood Plans and Neighbourhood Development Orders.  It also focuses on the opportunities within predominantly commercial areas for businesses to take forward ‘Business Neighbourhood Planning’.

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Localism in planning

Posted on: 22 July 2013
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Nick Herbert MP, whose Sussex constituency covers a large number of emerging neighbourhood plans across different local planning authorities, led a Commons Debate on 17 July 2013, to which RH Nick Boles MP responded. The Hansard record of the proceedings is available online.

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Our place! Neighbourhood community budgets

Posted on: 22 July 2013
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The Local Government Association and the Department for Communities and Local Government have produced a number of guides for local authorities implementing neighbourhood community budgets.

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Community energy and localism resources

Posted on: 19 July 2013
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The Centre for Sustainable Energy has added a new section to its PlanLoCaL website covering localism and neighbourhood planning in the context of community energy. New materials are available to download, and a short introductory video.

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London Planning Officers’ attitudes towards recent planning regulation changes

Posted on: 1 July 2013
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In a survey of 20 London boroughs carried out by Sitematch London, more than half (53 per cent) of planners said the National Planning Policy Framework has had no beneficial effects in their borough. This compared to 26 per cent who thought it had helped, and 21 per cent who were unsure.

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Neighbourhood Plans Roadmap Guide

Posted on: 10 June 2013
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Locality’s guide to neighbourhood planning has been revised and updated. This guide is for all those involved in, or thinking about, producing a Neighbourhood Plan, and for those who are just curious to find out more. Whilst other guides are predominantly concerned with the legislation and process, Locality has attempted, wherever possible, to include guidance on good practice and worksheets for carrying out each part of the plan. This guide draws upon Locality’s experience of working with community groups in the past year, and groups that are considering or undertaking Neighbourhood Planning. Locality is the leading nationwide network of settlements, development trusts, social action centres and community enterprises.

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