
What is objectivity? Discussing academic biasWhat is objectivity? Discussing academic bias

What is objectivity? Discussing academic bias

The demonisation of non-white cultures: or how textbooks don’t replace people Academia. Often told to be non-personal and so objective…

3 years ago
Are young students failing to act on antisemitism?Are young students failing to act on antisemitism?

Are young students failing to act on antisemitism?

In the previous academic year there were 111 antisemitic incidents recorded at British universities. How are young students coping with…

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What happens to train and tube drivers faced with suicide on the tracks?What happens to train and tube drivers faced with suicide on the tracks?

What happens to train and tube drivers faced with suicide on the tracks?

According to a study carried out by the Samaritans and NetworkRail, there were 6,507 suicides in the UK last year,…

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How relevant is George Orwell’s 1984 to London today?How relevant is George Orwell’s 1984 to London today?

How relevant is George Orwell’s 1984 to London today?

With a general election looming, this podcast will be discussing the warnings George Orwell’s 1984 may have provided for future…

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Unfiltered: An artist’s take on toilet graffiti

Doesn’t matter who you are, you have most definitely been in a public toilet and noticed the random scribbles and…

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If Baby Boomers are mad about “OK, Boomer” they are hypocritesIf Baby Boomers are mad about “OK, Boomer” they are hypocrites

If Baby Boomers are mad about “OK, Boomer” they are hypocrites

As we wrap up the decade, a new phrase has gained momentum and come into the public eye. “OK, Boomer,”…

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“An ordinary person who found herself on an extraordinary journey” – Becoming by Michelle Obama

Michelle Obama's autobiography came out this month and it’s already a global success. The book follows Michelle’s story from her…

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Steve Bannon, henchman to Europe’s growing nationalist movements, speaks at ‘News Xchange 2018’

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What’s changed since Canada legalised weed? On October 17th, 2018, Canada officially legalised weed, but did this actually change anything within Canadian society? Prior…

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But when really was the story of “A Star is Born” born?But when really was the story of “A Star is Born” born?

But when really was the story of “A Star is Born” born?

Okay, one thing we must admit before we go digging further in the past, A star is born is a…

6 years ago