From the 23 to the 27 December, households can form bubbles to celebrate the festive period together, while adhering to strict safety rules. That means this year’s big, extravagant celebrations may have to be shelved until 2021.
With SAGE’s advice against hugging, singing and very strangely, Monopoly, it may seem there is not much else to do. So, how can you shake up your Christmas traditions and still have fun?
- Ditch the classic games
It’s a no for Monopoly this year, or any board games for that matter. So, instead of huddling over scrabble, maybe switch to a Christmas quiz, as long as you don’t get over-excited and start shouting the answers. Even better, consider connecting with friends and family who are not in your bubble by taking your quiz to zoom.
- Watch a Christmas film together (socially distanced of course!)
Christmas films are a great part of the season, blessing us with some of the most classic movies, along with long-anticipated Christmas television specials. It can be easy to socially distance and enjoy your favourite flick, just make sure not to share your popcorn.
Find the perfect Christmas movie to watch this year.
- Hold an outdoor Fireworks display
Sage recommends that bubbles celebrate Christmas outside to reduce the risk of transmission. It’s likely that Christmas Day will bring chilly weather and cold winds, so spending all day outside may not serve as the most enjoyable way to celebrate. But why not take the evening celebrations to the garden with blankets, hot drinks, outdoor heaters and an at-home fireworks display to entertain the guests.

Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash. Putting on your very own lights display with fireworks and sparklers can be the perfect way to make Christmas magical.
- Go for a walk
Stuffed after your roast? Take a walk around your local area rather than staying inside. You can admire the Christmas decorations, burn off some calories and talk with family in a much safer way. Some communities are holding what they call ‘window advent events’ where 24 households participate in a daily window reveal. The events take places from the 1st to 24th December but displays will be up to admire all through the festive period.
Maybe even go on a Christmas trail near you.
Words: Leah Trimmer | Subbing: Chloe Rose