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Marketplace 2017-01-09T14:36:14+00:00


If you have a particular interest and are looking for partners to collaborate with, the Marketplace is a forum for finding people who would like to work with you. It’s a space where potential communities can find members, or where potential members can find communities.

Here you can also join or start conversations or float ideas about teaching practice and innovation for others to comment and engage with, which may lead to communities forming, or may inform the CETI’s broader activities.

If you have an idea for a community and are looking for members with whom to develop it further, place a call on the Marketplace outlining your initial proposal. Once your community has been formed, visit the Starting a community page to find out more about the next steps.

If you would like to join a community you can either visit the Communities page for more information of the communities currently running, or you review the Marketplace for calls from colleagues who wish to start a community and are seeking members.

From time to time the Centre for Education and Teaching Innovation will also issue a call for a community to be established around a particular theme or responding to a particular priority emerging at the University – keep an eye on the Marketplace for more information

Log in with your Westminster staff Google account to join the discussion.

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