It’s that time of year again, where you’re getting into the swing of classes, but your mind is still set on summer and, depending where you live, it might even still feel like summer, despite being back in the classroom.
The beginning of a new semester is always my favourite time of the year because with each new semester comes new courses, new friends and new stories in the making.
Even if it’s your last semester at Uni, more often than not you’re going to be experiencing some new “firsts,” like maybe submitting your first dissertation (which just so happens to be how I feel). No matter how many semesters you’ve been through, each one is different and presents different challenges and experiences, varying from course load to personal growth.
As with all new beginnings, similar to the start of the new year, I love to make lists of what I want to get out of the experience and how exactly I’m going to tackle it. For some it could be as simple as making a resolution to attend every class or as ambitious as an overall grade you have in mind. Not only is writing down your resolutions or goals a great way to visualise what you’re aiming for, but it can help you go back to school less stressed and give you some control over this specific new beginning.
So what resolutions do I have in mind for my last semester, which ends with me submitting my dissertation and deciding what to do next with my life.
1. Keep an organised day planner
My day planner is one of my favourite items to purchase before the school year. I’m an obsessive to-do list maker (as evident from the number of list heavy posts!) and my planner only lends to this obsession. This semester, my resolution is to write out the upcoming week’s events every Sunday so I can find any scheduling conflicts and still leave myself enough time to exercise.
2. Be an attentive student
It’s my final semester and I really want to make the most of it. We’ve all shown up to class and completely zoned out to only realise at the end of the lecture we’ve learned nothing. Although it can be difficult, especially with three hour lectures, my resolution is that when I’m in class, I am actually IN class.
3. Exercise
Every student knows it can be difficult to balance a busy lecture schedule, course work, social schedule and fit in some time to exercise and keep healthy. My resolution is to find at least 20 minutes a day to go for a walk, pop in a yoga DVD or a quick ab workout.
4. Healthy Eating
This is one of biggest resolutions for this semester. It’s so easy to fall into unhealthy eating habits when you’re on-the-go and trying to eat cheap, something not easy in London. Our bodies need fuel (healthy fuel) to function at their highest level. My resolution is to pack my lunches the day before it I know I won’t be home and switch some snacks for fruit and healthy alternatives.
5. Socialise
As with every new school year you’re presented with new people. Take advantage of the opportunity to make new friends and connections.
Now break out your favourite notebooks and write down your goals for this new semester. A goal that is written down, is much more likely to be accomplished. I hope this post inspired you to set some goals for yourself for this upcoming semester. If you have any other goal suggestions, I would LOVE to hear them. Let me know in the comments below!
Read this post and other stories on Staci’s personal blog
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