Preserve your research data FAIR-ly

The University’s new Research Data Management (RDM) Policy (2022) sets out a series of key expectations to aid you in meeting best practice in the management and preservation of research data. One key expectation is that research data selected for preservation beyond the lifetime of a project are deposited in an appropriate research data repository …

How sustainable is your research project website?

Many researchers create websites to disseminate their research without planning for how the website content will continue to be accessible and usable when their funding runs out. Websites are also rapidly outpaced by software and hardware advances, meaning that they cannot be relied upon as secure or long term hosts for research findings or outputs. …

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Open Access Week 2022: Open Access and Practice Based Research

Today’s post focuses on how practice-based research may benefit from being made more effectively shared. At Westminster we have prioritised improving our institutional repository (WestminsterResearch) to better support non-text based (also known as non-traditional) output types.See article : Evans, Jenny, Nina Watts, Taylor Mudd, and Tom Renner. 2022. “From Legacy to Next Generation: A Story …

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Open Access Week 2022: How do we keep the open science momentum going?

This is a guest blog post from Dr Sam Westwood, Lecturer in Psychology at the University of Westminster. Sam founded and runs the RIOT Science Club (, a forum where researchers can learn about Open Research reforms and practices. The RIOT Science club aims to foster Reproducible, Interpretable, Open & Transparent Science. Sam also runs ReproducibiliTea …

Open Access Week 2022: How to be an Open Researcher

Today we have a guest blog from Ka-Ming Pang, Academic Engagement Librarian (Computer Science and Engineering) at the University of Westminster. Ka-Ming highlights some key tips and takeaways from an event run in collaboration with the Sustainable Cities and the Urban Environnment Research Community on “Becoming an Open Researcher”. In the two decades since the …

Open Access Week 2022: Open for Climate Justice

International Open Access Week (October 24-30) is a time to advocate for openness as the default for research and to ensure that equity is at the center of this work. This year’s theme is “Open for Climate Justice” and seeks to raise awareness around how open enables climate justice. Climate Justice is an explicit acknowledgement …

Open Access Week 2022: Events Coming Up

International Open Access Week 2022: Open for Climate Justice, 24-30 October, 2022 This year the focus of International Open Access Week is ‘Open for Climate Justice’. During the week we will be releasing daily blog posts from our open access week team at Westminster. Look out for these from 24 October. Events & Resources from …

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Publish Open Access in the American Psychological Association (APA) Journals

Updated May 2024 to add the 15 Hogrefe journals that are now included. Authors affiliated with the University of Westminster may publish original research articles in 88 hybrid journals in the PsycArticles portfolio, including 15 Hogrefe scientific journals in the fields of psychology and mental health.  This agreement will allow you to publish eligible articles through …

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Publish Open Access with American Chemical Society (ACS) Journals

Authors affiliated with the University of Westminster may publish original research articles in any of American Chemical Society (ACS)’s hybrid or fully Open Access (gold) journals.  This ‘Read & Publish’ agreement will allow you to publish eligible articles through gold open access at no further charge to yourself. To be eligible: You must be the corresponding author …