Food and multitasking, is it healthy and productive?
Some of us love having a screen in our faces while eating, whether it is at work on your desk, or at home watching TV. Ayurvedic therapist Niti Nayee, told the Voice of London that…
Some of us love having a screen in our faces while eating, whether it is at work on your desk, or at home watching TV. Ayurvedic therapist Niti Nayee, told the Voice of London that…
Writing | Stephany Malcolm Subbing | Kate Reichardt 2018 is fast approaching us, and although it’s not quite the time to reach for the sun cream… well-being is a major focus this year for Londoners….
Words: Leanne Hall |Subbed: Brenda Zini Illegal levels of air pollutions, that are estimated to kill 40,000 a year in the UK are still not taken seriously by MP’s. A source told the Guardian that:…
With the cold and flu symptoms lurking around, all we want to do is lock ourselves indoors, nestle up on the couch and light the fire. But contrary to what many believe, winter is actually…
Words: Aylin Paula Karanis | Subbing Stephany Malcolm | Filming and photography: Stephany Malcolm and Aylin Paula Karanis Check out our video and find out why dancing can give you the same feeling as a…
We all love a cuppa with a digestive biscuit, be it chocolate-topped or just a plain one. But what baffles us all, is the name. The word ‘digestive’ is derived from what intended to be, actually…
We are only halfway through November, so there’s still time for you to join the tide and grow the moustache. If you have been seeing a lot of ‘moustrachey’ men around, it is not a…
Remember the time when mummy told you to eat your food slowly? Well, there is a reason behind it. We all have days when we return home after a hard day’s work starving, drained and…
Today, in 2017, a woman’s sexiness is no longer solely about lace tights, elegant makeup, and pure femininity. Although we still can’t avoid making the judgement based on one’s appearance, women have the right to…
Words and photography: Stephany Malcolm | Subbing Kate Reichardt Winter is upon us, and that means all the joys… and the stress that comes along with it. London is filled with people enjoying bright lights…