Okay, so you’re a new postgraduate student and you’ve just arrived in one of the most exciting cities in the world to begin your journey at Westminster Business School…By day 2 of orientation how are you feeling? Having gone through the experience myself some years ago now I’m guessing something along the lines of excitement, a few nerves, a little overwhelmed, happiness, adrenaline pumping through your body and perhaps a twinge of homesickness…All perfectly natural (and mixed) emotions to have and remember – EVERYONE is in the same boat as you are!

Our team here at the Business School is ready to help you feel at home right from day one. Orientation helps you along this adjustment process easing you in gradually with welcome events and social evenings, induction lectures, a Freshers’ Fair, Student Helpers and now, the ‘Getting to Know London’ #TreasureHunt which took place last Tuesday. Best described as just a bit of fun, with a slight competitive edge it proved a great way for newcomers to get to know the local area and make new friends.

So what happened?
The scene was set when dozens of newly enrolled postgraduate students assembled at the Marylebone Campus reception at 2:30pm sharp on Tuesday afternoon of last week. Myself and Rob were on hand to explain the rules and help organize the new arrivals into teams, all of whom were eager to get cracking. Each participant was given a hand-out with a map, a list of 13 clues and a set of rules. With that the race was on to be back in time for 4pm. (What a mission!)
Eight teams headed out in total and snapped some pretty fab photos and beautiful selfies, posting them all over social media (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram) with the hashtag #TreasureHunt. Our social media guru, Meral Crifasi and the Postgraduate Applicant Officer duo (Jeni and Joe) tracked everyone’s progress, monitoring the unfolding drama from start to finish.

Any team that managed to get 7 clues (or more!) and beat the other groups back to reception in time (“over the finish line” so to speak) were entered into the big prize draw for a £100 voucher!!! If no one team (or several teams) managed to solve the required 7 clues (and pap some evidence of this through the appropriate channels) then the team that scored the most right answers would be deemed the winner. Failing that it came down to who took the best pictures as adjudged by our three-member panel (Jeni, Joe and Meral). In the end however it didn’t come down to artistic merit or good photography (although there was plenty of that in evidence) which made the final decision clear-cut.

Yes! So who won?
We are now pleased to announce the winners, ladies and gentlemen of the January 2015 instalment of Westminster Business School postgraduate #TreasureHunt:
#DreamTeam (*drumroll, *round of applause)
To the #DreamTeam: we will be in touch soon to tell when you can come and collect your fantastic prize – a £100 Pizza Express voucher (don’t forget – those of you lucky enough to be already in possession of an NUS Extra Card might even be entitled to an additional Pizza Express student discount – food & drinks included!)
Lastly, I’d like to extend a massive thank you to everyone from all the 8 teams who took part and made this possible. We trust you enjoyed it!
The Gunners
The Flowers of Destiny
Isha & Anita
To check out more photos from #TreasureHunt, visit our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages.
Joe (Postgraduate Applicant Officer)
Joseph Coote-Cowling
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