A successful example of this is the Consumer Insights module, led by Maria Bortnovskaya, a lecturer in Marketing and management. This gave 164 students from three courses, Digital Marketing BA, International Marketing BA and Marketing Communications BA the opportunity to collaborate with six external businesses.
Maria Bortnovskaya, leader of the Consumer Insights module said: “This opportunity allows students to explore real-life challenge marketing practitioners face, develop critical and analytical thinking and apply insights to design efficient marketing activities. Apart from that, our students benefit from enhancing their CVs, making industry contacts and expanding their network.”
During the module, students worked on ‘live projects’ with clients from each of the six businesses involved; as a result, real-life impacts on consumer behaviour, such as the cost-of-living crisis, had to be considered. Students designed recommendations for businesses using theory learnt in class to explain how these impacts can be addressed through marketing activities. They then presented their briefs to the clients and received feedback.
The student feedback received about the implementation of work-based learning in the Consumer Insights module really underscores the success of this approach, with many thoroughly enjoying the module and finding it incredibly useful to put their knowledge into practice. Some students have kindly shared their experience on the module with us: