How sustainable is your research project website?

Many researchers create websites to disseminate their research without planning for how the website content will continue to be accessible and usable when their funding runs out. Websites are also rapidly outpaced by software and hardware advances, meaning that they cannot be relied upon as secure or long term hosts for research findings or outputs. …

Recognising Research Integrity

University of Westminster is committed to developing, enhancing and sustaining research good practice through research that is of the highest quality and ethical standards. In other words, we are committed to upholding the highest standards of research integrity. Many of us have an understanding of research integrity but building a culture of integrity grounded in …

Banner for Open Access Week 2021

What are Persistent Identifiers (PIDs) and how can you use them?

In our final blog post to mark International Open Access Week 2021, we aim to explain what is mean by Persistent Identifiers (PIDs), why they are important, and how you can use them as a researcher to ensure your research is better indexed and identified to you as the creator.  We expand upon the introduction to …

Banner for Open Access Week 2021

Advanced Portfolios in WestminsterResearch

Continuing our series of daily blog posts to mark International Open Access Week 2021, we wish to let you know of the exciting improvements to our repository that will allow all researchers, not just those who carry out practice based research, to create over-arching portfolios or collection records, to group and promote your research. We have …

Disseminating Publications

How to best disseminate your work and grow your profile as a researcher is a core issue for those at any stage of their career in research or knowledge exchange. The University of Westminster Press (UWP) and other members of the Research Environment and Scholarly Communications Team are here to provide support and guidance with this as …

Open Access unlocked padlock symbol

Publish Without Charge in select Public Library of Science (PLOS) Journals

Corresponding authors affiliated with the University of Westminster may publish their articles through Gold Open Access in select PLOS journals, without having to pay open access, or APC fees.  This is because, as a university, we have entered into an agreement with PLOS, covering the cost of publishing in PLOS ONE and any of the community …

Sharing your data responsibly: FAIR data and CARE data

The theme of International Open Access Week this year is ‘Open with Purpose: Taking Action to Build Structural Equity and Inclusion’. The theme is a recognition that while openness can be a powerful tool for building more equitable systems of sharing knowledge, structural racism, discrimination, and exclusion are present and persistent in places where openness …

NEW Publications Router connection to VRE

Publications Router is now live.  It helps automate the update and input of research articles in the Virtual Research Environment (VRE).  If you have a journal article in the publication process, you may soon receive an email alert, or Task in the VRE, asking you to take action. What is Publications Router? Publications Router gathers …

Scholarly Communications Team

The Scholarly Communications Team provides support to enable our researchers and doctoral researchers to publish and share their outputs. This includes: Advice relating to Open Access including funding and REF2021 Management of the Repository section of the Virtual Research Environment (VRE) and Westminster Research, the University’s open access repository of research outputs of our academic community University of Westminster Press Advice and training relating to Research …