ORCID ID logo with the text Connecting Research and Researchers.

ORCID Integration with the VRE

ORCID link in the VRE ORCID is a unique research identifier belonging to you which distinguishes you from every other researcher.  It allows you to store together all your research outputs within your account and share them between platforms.  The VRE is able to push data to, and receive data from, your central ORCID account. …

Open Access unlocked padlock symbol

Publish Open Access with Cambridge University Press

Authors affiliated with the University of Westminster may publish their research articles, review articles and rapid communications Open Access (OA) at no further charge to the author in Cambridge University Press gold and hybrid journals. To be eligible, articles must: Be original research – eligible article types are research articles, review articles and rapid communications …

Publications Router connection to VRE

Publications Router is now live.  It helps automate the update and input of research articles in the Virtual Research Environment (VRE).  If you have a journal article in the publication process, you may soon receive an email alert, or Task in the VRE, asking you to take action. What is Publications Router? Publications Router gathers …

Research Communities Funding Call: COVID-19 Response Results

We are pleased to announce the results of our Research Communities COVID-19 response call. As outlined in a previous post, University of Westminster’s four research communities were launched collectively on the 17th September last year, swiftly followed by individual launches for Health Innovation and Wellbeing (HIW), Diversity and Inclusion (DI), Sustainable Cities and Urban Environments (SCUE) …

Open Access unlocked padlock symbol

Publish Open Access with Sage (including IMechE and RSM)

Corresponding authors affiliated with the University of Westminster may publish their articles through Gold Open Access in 900+ subscription journals in the current SAGE Premier package,  the IMechE Journal Collection and the Royal Society of Medicine Collection  PLEASE NOTE, THIS ONLY COVERS THE HYBRID JOURNALS IN THESE LISTS, NOT THE FULLY GOLD OPEN ACCESS JOURNALS.  Original research papers, review papers, brief …

The COVID-19 virus

Research Communities Funding Call: COVID19 Response

We are excited to announce that University of Westminster, generously supported by the Quintin Hogg Trust, is announcing a one-off funding call for projects seeking to address issues arising from the COVID-19 novel coronavirus pandemic. Via our four Research Communities we will fund a small number of projects based in each Community which, taken together, …

Nuffield Foundation FUNDamental

NUFFIELD FOUNDATION Background Nuffield Foundation is an independent charitable trust with a mission to advance educational opportunity and social well-being, particularly for those whose opportunities are constrained by disadvantage at different points in their lives.  The foundation supports research that informs social policy, primarily in Education, Welfare and Justice. They also provide opportunities for young people to develop skills and confidence in …

Open Access unlocked padlock symbol

Publish Open Access with Springer Nature

UPDATED IN OCTOBER 2023: the previously limited Springer Compact list of journals has been expanded to include over 2100 Springer, Academic, Nature and Palgrave Macmillan journals. Authors affiliated with the University of Westminster may publish articles in in more than 2000 of Springer Nature’s hybrid journals at no further charge to the author.  This covers …

Open Access unlocked padlock symbol

Paying for Gold Open Access to Journal Articles

UPDATED AUGUST 2022 TO INCLUDE NEW PUBLISHER DEALS The University has a limited Article Processing Charge (APC) Application Fund to pay Open Access costs for journal articles. All applications are subject to the approval of the College Research Director and budget constraints, as the fund is very limited. The Institutional APC Fund’s primary aim is to …