There has been a few week’s absence in this blog. The Christmas and New Year holidays interrupted my flow and I have just returned from Singapore where preparations are being made for the Chinese New Year and many streets and shops are decked out with fabulous red decorations. It seemed strange to arrive at Heathrow (thankfully before the snow) and shift from a temperature of 32° to -1°. I’m now busy catching up with e-mails, reports etc, etc.
I love Singapore and have visited there many times. What impressed me this time was the level of attention that is being paid to sustainability. This is evident everywhere whether it is in recycling, the fabulous public transport systems (private cars are heavily taxed), and also the physical growth of Singapore as waste is re-processed and used as landfill. The island is growing at a slow but perceptible rate and it was interesting to note that Beach Road is now quite a distance from the beach and sea. Singapore is very much a green city and plants are everywhere – on the central isles of roads, bridges and any small space of land. It helps to provide a relaxing as well as beautiful environment.
This enthusiasm and commitment for sustainable living is reflected in the education provision too. Many degree courses focus on sustainable development, living or business while others offer modules on different topics relating to sustainability. I met a number of students and they were all incredibly enthusiastic about their courses and demonstrated their interest in the green agenda. They were very interested in what happens in London and many expressed a desire to study at the Westminster Business School. Hopefully, following this visit, we will be able to establish new partnership agreements to make this happen.