Could you please introduce yourself by telling us a little about yourself?
My name is Lizzie Hunt, I started working at the University of Westminster almost a year ago as a Programme Administrator within the Business School Registry. I work on the Undergraduate Business Management course alongside my colleagues Farah and Stella.
Can you please describe your role in the registry in a few words?
I find my role varied, busy, enjoyable and interesting.
What do you most frequently help students with?
I would say that the queries I get from students can be very varied but mostly I explain pathways and module selection and letter requests for things such as council tax exemption forms. The role as a Programme Administrator is to help the students follow their programme on a day to day basis by keeping them up to date with things such as module registration and selection, checking their profiles, and updating marks.
What advice would you give our freshers/new starters this year?
In terms of the university experience in general, to enjoy their time here and the opportunity to meet new people but make sure that they follow their programmes carefully and put in the time and effort in order to graduate at the end of their course with the results they want.
What events (if any) do you organise that students should look out for during the year?
I do not organise any events through out the year but on regular basis I remind students of important dates that they should pay attention to. For example the Programme Administrators encourage students to complete the National Student Survey (NSS) during semester 2 when they are in their final year as this is a chance for them to voice their views on the things that they have liked about the university and the courses. This is also beneficial to prospective students as they can see the results of the survey which helps them to make decisions on which universities they would be interested in joining.