The Digital Capability project has 3 strands.
1. The JISC Insights survey – This will provide important baseline data on the digital environment at Westminster and will help us to monitor how the institution is doing. As it is a national survey we will be able benchmark against other institutions. This survey is open now and will close on Thursday 31 January 2019. You can complete the survey using the links below:
Academic staff survey
Professional Services staff survey
2. The Discovery tool – This is a diagnostic questionnaire through which any individual can self-reflect on their digital capabilities in relation to a national framework. A report, owned by the individual, is generated with suggestions for development. The Discovery Tool will be available to all staff from early-February 2019.
3. The Digital Capability team – This new group of staff and student associates will provide support for each College and for Professional Services in their engagement with the Digital Discovery Tool. The team of eight will offer 1:1 development support for anyone seeking help in addressing areas of digital capability highlighted in the report they receive after using the Discovery Tool.
You will be able to access support and get help aligned to your development needs from the Digital Capability team from February 2019.