Current Projects
Project 1: Humanities Blog
As part of this post, you (x2) will develop a School of Humanities blog that will provide a platform for our student community (BA, MA, Ph.D.) to produce content (text, audio, video) for the general public.
The blog will offer our student community an experience in online publishing and public engagement, and, thus, serve to consolidate students’ learning, to develop their employability skills, and to help them produce valuable content for their CVs.
Project 2: TargetConnect Project
The work will be focussed on setting up and testing the new TargetConnect (Careers system) system.
The work will be essential for the student experience of using the new TargetConnect software. Students will gain awareness of how the software works, but also be able to give their input to ensure the system is as user friendly as possible for all other student users when the system is launched.
Project 3: Photography Project
The digital ambassador scheme would allow for a student to kick start and see through research into digital opportunities within the creative industries focusing on graduates from a BA Photography Course.
Project 4: Participedia Project – building the knowledge base
Participedia is a global crowdsourcing platform for researchers, activists, policy makers, practitioners, educators and anyone interested in public participation and democratic innovations. It provides up-to-date information about public participation and organisations promoting democratic innovation. Participedia is currently building a collection of cases on public participation and climate change. Digital Ambassadors will contribute to this collection by researching and adding new cases. This represents a unique opportunity to be part of a growing digital resource on climate action, working alongside leading university researchers and practitioners, enhancing their student experience beyond academia.
Project 6: Developing Marketing Insights Project
Students can be recruited from the BA Digital Marketing course but also more widely in the School of Management and Marketing.
Students would need access to the Microsoft Office Suite.
This project will greatly enhance students’ digital skills, soft skills and will also provide them with work-based learning experience in relation to a live brief. The client will benefit from the development of a plan and actionable insights, the creative brief will provide a structured document to take the campaign forward. Clients may wish to progress the campaign through the Campaign Development project.
This project will have a beneficial effect on the wider student experience in a similar way to participating in an internship or other work-based activity which is shown to have the greatest impact of their employability.
Project 7: Campaign Development
· Campaign development (ideation, prototyping and final executions)
· Course blog
· Content creation (video, infographics)
· UX Design in relation to the customer/student journey
Students can be recruited from the BA Digital Marketing course but also more widely in the School of Management and Marketing.
Students would need access to Adobe Creative Cloud software. The School of Management and Marketing Digital Marketing Technician would facilitate digital skills training.
This project will greatly enhance students’ digital skills, soft skills and will also provide them with work-based learning experience in relation to a live brief. The client will benefit receive a number of concepts for evaluation, one of which to be prototyped, developed and tested. This project may follow on from the Developing Marketing Insights project. The reach, interaction and engagement with content can be tracked using analytics which will provide students with experience of monitoring and evaluation, helping them to optimise content to the channel.
This project will have a beneficial effect on the wider student experience in a similar way to participating in an internship or other work-based activity which is shown to have the greatest impact of their employability.
Project 8: Market Analysis
· Analysis of competitor courses (websites, social media platforms, advertising and other marketing communications)
Students can be recruited from the BA Digital Marketing course but also more widely in the School of Management and Marketing.
Students would need access to the Microsoft Office Suite.
This project will greatly enhance students’ digital skills, soft skills and will also provide them with work-based learning experience in relation to a live brief. The client will benefit from the creation of a detailed market analysis of competitors’ digital marketing communications across a range of channels.
This project will have a beneficial effect on the wider student experience in a similar way to participating in an internship or other work-based activity which is shown to have the greatest impact of their employability.
Project 9: Knowledge Exchange
· Develop workshops for digital skills
· Set up Digital Agency to offer services to SMEs
Students can be recruited from the BA Digital Marketing course but also more widely in the School of Management and Marketing.
Students would need access to Adobe Creative Cloud software. The School of Management and Marketing Digital Marketing Technician would facilitate digital skills training.
This project will greatly enhance students’ digital skills, soft skills and will also provide them with work-based learning experience in relation and provide access to a wide range of paid and non-paid briefs. The client will benefit from a flexible and inter-disciplinary ‘agency’ of students working in a freelance capacity, sometimes in groups, on a project-by-project basis.
This project will have a beneficial effect on the wider student experience in a similar way to participating in an internship or other work-based activity which is shown to have the greatest impact of their employability.
Project 10: Database Development of WBS alumni
· Research and contact alumni
· Creating a database
· Create alert system for role changes
Students would have to be computer literate and aware of database development. The appointed student would have some prior experience of developing a database. The student would gain experience delivering an end to end project from research to managing its delivery.
Alumni will benefit from being linked to the Employability, including access to mentors and recruitment support as well as speaker opportunities. Those over 3 years graduated can train as mentors. Alumni will also be in contact with their own cohort for networking and role research purposes.
Each year will have its own discrete site and after three years the database could merge groups as all could be available for mentoring etc. This will facilitate wider networking towards a second role of those with experience
The wider student population will benefit from direct access to those who have just completed the graduate role selection process.
Project 11: Database Development of Digital Businesses within Greater London
· Establish criteria for inclusion in database (potential for graduate roles and placements)
· Research and identify top 500 targets
· Create database, populated with HR training, marketing and contact details
The student appointed would have to have a level of digital business experience and be confident in creating and managing a new database. The student would benefit from an awareness of the digital business sector. The student would engage with the research, design, delivery and management of a viable database. This would develop research, problem solving, design, communication and managing skills.
This project furthers our Small Business Charter intentions; as we are developing links with local SMEs and Not for Profit organisations. SMM can build a network of businesses that we work with for case studies, speakers, WBL short projects; Placements for UG students: both one year and short placements; Internships for PG students and PG project subjects.
Project 12: Expansion of Student Lead School of Arts Social Media Channel
The impact of the work for the students involved will be an incredible authentic learning experience. However, the work will also benefit the student community at large, and also help market the course to industry professionals and new students.
In semester one of 2021 we run a pilot this scheme, you can see the results here:
The students found this incredible authentic and real world learning experience with many challenges we face together as a collaborative team, academics, technicians and students. Challenges were faced such as how to deal with Covid related cancellations, alongside how a social media platform relates to key stakeholders. With the help of this support, we can grow the channel, the learning experience and the employability of both the students involved and the larger student community. Furthermore, this could act as a pilot scheme for other courses and social media based marketing across the University of Westminster
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