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Conference on the Economic Crisis at the Law School (17.09.15)

Posted on: 27 May 2015
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Filed under: Law Research, Uncategorized



Westminster Law School will organise a one-day conference on the economic crisis, to be held in London in September 2015. The aim of the conference is to gather high quality research on the impacts of legal reforms in response to the crisis on economic rights. The aim of this enquiry is to delineate the boundary between individual freedoms and social objectives in seeking legal answers to the challenges of global and regional economic governance.


We invite submissions from academics and practitioners on all aspects of economic related rights in European and International Law. Papers covering the following topics are particularly welcome:


  • The Sovereign Debt Crisis
  • Investor actions in national and international courts and tribunals
  • The impact of increased EU competences on national economies
  • The evolving powers of the European Central Bank and the Federal Reserve
  • Austerity and conditionality


Interested authors should submit an extended, detailed abstract in PDF format to Dr Ioannis Glinavos i.glinavos@westminster.ac.uk by 1 August 2015. The authors of accepted papers will be informed by email by 15 August 2015. Accepted papers will be considered for publication in a special issue of the Manchester Journal of International Economic Law.






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