Apotheke Windischgarsten

Publish Without Charge in select Public Library of Science (PLOS) Journals

Corresponding authors affiliated with the University of Westminster may publish their articles through Gold Open Access in select PLOS journals, without having to pay open access, or APC fees.  This is because, as a university, we have entered into an agreement with PLOS, covering the cost of publishing in PLOS ONE and any of the community journals listed below:

  • PLOS Genetics
  • PLOS Pathogens
  • PLOS Computational Biology
  • PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases
  • PLOS Climate
  • PLOS Digital Health
  • PLOS Global Public Health
  • PLOS Sustainability and Transformation
  • PLOS Water

We strongly encourage you to take advantage of this agreement.

Please note:

  • You must be the corresponding author who is affiliated with the University of Westminster at the point of acceptance.
  • You are advised to use your institutional email address instead of your private email address, and to state your Westminster affiliation
  • PLOS Medicine and PLOS Biology are NOT covered by this agreement.

You do not need to contact us to gain permission.

Further Information:

More information on the PLOS Flat Fee Agreement is available.

Any questions, email: repository@westminster.ac.uk

A quick note on other publishers:

  • American Chemical Society (ACS): We have a similar agreements for ACS journals, which covers articles in both hybrid (subscription) and Gold open access (fully open) journals. Please see the ACS post for more detail.
  • American Psychological Association (APA): We have a similar agreement for APA journals.  Please see the APA post for more detail.
  • Association for Computing Machinery (ACM): We have an agreement covering journal articles and conference papers published by the ACM. Please see the ACM post for more detail.
  • Cambridge University Press: We have a similar agreement for CUP journals.  Please see the CUP post for more detail.
  • Elsevier: We have a similar agreement for Elsevier journals.  Please see the Elsevier post for more detail.
  • Sage:  We have a similar agreement for Sage journals.  Please see the Sage post for more detail.
  • Springer Nature:  We already have a similar agreement for some Springer journals.  Please see the Springer post for more detail, and a link to a list of eligible titles.
  • Taylor & Francis: Taylor & Francis Open Select journals (including Routledge) now also has a ‘read and publish’ agreement.  See the T&F post for more details.
  • Wiley: We have a similar agreement for Wiley journals.  Please see the Wiley post for more detail.

A very limited fund is available to pay individual APC charges for some articles in fully gold open access journals that we do not have specific agreements with.  Please see the recent blog post.


  1. Pingback:Research Office » Publish Open Access with Springer Compact

  2. Pingback:Research Office » Publish Open Access with Cambridge University Press

  3. Pingback:Research Office » Publish Open Access with Wiley

  4. Pingback:Research Office » How to Make Your Research Articles Open at Westminster

  5. Pingback:Research Office » Paying for Gold Open Access to Journal Articles

  6. Pingback:Research Office » Publish Open Access with Taylor and Francis Journals

  7. Pingback:Research Office » Publish Open Access with Sage (including IMechE and RSM)

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