Browse your computer and upload the .RBC (Turnitin rubric) file. Other accepted file types are .xls and .xlsx.
Please note that, if using Excel, the following restrictions will apply:
Criteria titles must be 13 characters or less
There is a limit of 20 scale columns and 50 criteria rows
Scoring can be included once the rubric is imported
You can also download a sample rubric template for Turnitin here.
Please note:
The view you will get currently when accessing Turnitin Rubrics from a new Turnitin assignment is the ‘old style’ view. You can get the newer version by going into an existing Turnitin assignment and accessing the Rubrics functionality. There are some subtle differences between the two:
the importing and exporting button is an option within the left hand side drop down in the new version
attaching and detaching a rubric to an assignment is at the bottom right hand corner in the new version
the new version has a direct link to the template and drag and drop options for importing a rubric.
the choices to make the rubric quantitative or qualitative are at the top right hand corner in the new version.
Old version vs New version