How does captioning work in Panopto?
You can caption videos in Panopto a couple of different ways.
Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR)
Every video uploaded into Panopto (whether it was created with Panopto or not) is machine-transcribed using ASR technology. This provides the backbone for our video search technology, which means you can search inside the spoken content of every video you upload into Panopto.
Human-generated captioning
Panopto also gives you a few options for human-generated captioning, which meet Section 508 compliance guidelines for accuracy.
Option 1: Request 508-compliant video captioning right inside Panopto
For individual videos, you can request human-generated captions from within our online video editor. After your Panopto administrator sets up the captioning integration with us or one of our captioning partners, captioning can be requested with just a few clicks. Simply choose the captioning turn-around time and, when the human- generated captions are ready, they will automatically appear inside your video.
Human-generated captions can also be requested for all videos within a particular Panopto folder. Once configured, any new videos added to a folder will be automatically captioned. Similar to captioning requests for individual videos, your administrator can select and set a specific turnaround time for captioning the videos added to that folder.
Option 2: Manually upload human-generated captions to your video in the editor
You may have a different third-party captioning partner that you prefer, or one with which you already have a contract. Or you may even have people on staff to manually edit machine-generated captions for accuracy. In either case, you can easily upload the human-generated caption file through our online video editor. Panopto supports the SRT, ASHX, and DXFP captioning formats.