Team 团队

The research team is composed of:

Carmelea Ang See is Director of Bahay Tsinoy, Museum of Chinese in Philippine Life and a past president of Chinese-Filipino organization, Kaisa Para Sa Kaunlaran (Unity for Progress). She teaches Education courses under the College of Education, De La Salle University, Philippines. She is currently taking doctoral studies in Educational Leadership at Lesley University in the US. Her work in the fields of culture and education spans 20 years and includes engagement with the public-school sector and other museums around the country and abroad.

施吟青是菲华历史博物馆馆长,曾担任菲律宾华裔青年联合会(Kaisa Para Sa Kaunlaran)前任主席。她目前任教于菲律宾德拉萨大学教育学院,开设教育课程,同时也在攻读美国莱斯利大学教育领导学博士学位。她在文化和教育领域有超过20年的工作经验,并参与公立学校部门和菲律宾国内外各博物馆的工作。

Cai Xianliang, Director of the He Xiangning Art Museum. He is a Professor and member of the Xiling Yinshe Society and Chinese Calligraphers Association. He is the main researcher of five provincial and ministerial-level projects, including “Organization and Research of Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasty Poems on Calligraphy” and “Examination of Yuan Dynasty Calligraphers”. He is the author of Studies on Song Dynasty Poetry in Calligraphy, History of Calligraphy in Poetry, Kang Youwei, History of Calligraphy, Zhang Jingxiu.



Chu Dan is the director and research associate of the Heihe Memorial Hall of Overseas Chinese in Russia, a member of the Heihe committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, a member of the Social Education Special Committee of the Chinese Museum Association, and member of Heilongjiang Provincial Heitage and Museum Association Council. Her primary research areas include the history of Sino-Russian relations, the developmental history of Aihui, and the folk customs of Aihui. She has served as the editor of three books, co-editor of four books, and has published more than 50 academic papers and historical research articles.


Gao Donghui is a museum researcher and the director of Jiangmen Museum. He specializes in the research of overseas Chinese cultural relics and overseas Chinese museums. He has published more than ten articles, including “A Research of Honolulu Consular Officer Mei Jingzhou with emphasis on His Anti-Japanese War Propaganda Activities” and “Research on Passport Issues in the Republic of China – Focusing on the Beiyang and Nanjing National Government Periods”. The exhibitions he curated, including “An Exhibition on the Life and Deeds of Situ Meitang”, have been shortlisted for awards at the national and provincial levels.

高东辉,文博研究馆员,现任江门市博物馆馆长。主要从事华侨文物研究、华侨博物馆研究,先后发表(檀香山领事官员梅景周抗战宣传活动研究》、《民国时期护照问题研究——以北洋和南京国民政府时期为中心》文章十余篇,策划的《我还是一个地道的中国人--司徒美堂生平事迹展》、《侨心向党 同心圆梦——五邑华侨与中国共产党专题展》等华侨专题展览入围多项国家、省级荣誉。

Dr. Jiang Haibo, born in Shanghai, moved to Japan in 1990 and received a PhD degree from Kobe University. He is currently the Chief Researcher at the Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall in Kobe and serves as a member of the Operating Committee of the Kobe Overseas Chinese History Museum. His research focuses on modern and contemporary Chinese history, the history of overseas Chinese communities, and the history of Sino-Japanese cultural exchanges. He edited Commemoration of the 40th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Kobe Overseas Chinese History Museum and other works.


Dr. Melissa Karmen Lee (Ph.D) was born in Vancouver, Canada. She currently holds the appointment of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) at the Chinese Canadian Museum, in British Columbia, Vancouver. From 2019 to 2022, she was the Director of Education and Public Programs at the Vancouver Art Gallery. From 2016 to 2019, she was on the founding team to open Tai Kwun Centre for Heritage and Art, Hong Kong, serving as the Education and Public Programs Curator


Ning Yi graduated with a master’s degree in law from the School of International Studies of Peking University. He is currently board member of The Overseas Chinese History Society of China, with a long-term involvement in works related to overseas Chinese affairs. He presided over a research project on Chinese ethnic minorities residing overseas, and co-authored Research of Social Ties and the Development of Overseas Chinese Associations. He has played a leading role in planning and curating exhibitions such as “The China Daily News Exhibition,” “Overseas Chinese and the Winter Olympic Games Exhibition,” “A Decade of Innovation Among New Immigrants Exhibition,” “Ethnic Chinese in Southeast Asia and Traditional Chinese Medicine Culture Exhibition,” and “The Development History of All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese Exhibition”.


Cangbai Wang is Professor of Migration, Heritage and Language and founder and Co-Director of HOMELandS (Hub on Migration, Exile, Languages and Spaces) Centre at the University of Westminster. His research interests fall in the areas of transnational migration, Chinese diaspora and migration-related museum and cultural heritage studies. He has published widely in leading peer-reviewed international journals including Asia Pacific Viewpoint, International Journal of Heritage Studies, Asian and Pacific Migration Journal, China Information and Modern China. He is the author of Life is Elsewhere: Stories of the Indonesian Chinese in Hong Kong (Centre of Asian Studies, HKU 2006, in Chinese)Museum Representations of Chinese Diasporas: Migration Histories and the Cultural Heritage of the Homeland (Routledge 2020), and Negotiating Identities, Language and Migration in Global London: Bridging Borders, Creating Spaces (co-edited, Multilingual Matters, 2024). He is the co-editor of Routledge Research on Museum and Heritage in Asia.

王苍柏是威斯敏斯特大学中国研究教授,HOMELandS(移民、离散、语言和空间研究中心)的创始人和共同主任。他的研究兴趣集中在华侨华人以及与移民相关的博物馆和文化遗产研究。他在同行评审的核心国际期刊上发表了诸多文章,包括 Asia Pacific Viewpoint (亚太观点)、International Journal of Heritage Studies (国际遗产研究杂志)、Asian and Pacific Migration Journal (亚洲及太平洋移民杂志)、China Information (中国信息)和Modern China (现代中国)。他著有《活在别处:香港印尼华人口述历史》(2006 年)、Museum Representations of Chinese Diasporas: Migration Histories and the Cultural Heritage of the Homeland  (2021) (离散华人的博物馆表达:移民历史与祖籍国文化遗产) 及 Negotiating Identiteis, Language and Migration in Global London: Bridging Borders, Creasting Spaces (co-edited, 2024)  (国际都市伦敦的移民、身份和语言:弥合边界,创造空间)。 他是 Routledge Research on Museum and Heritage in Asia 的联合主编。

Mark Wang is a fifth generation Chinese Australian, a descendant of his mother’s great grandfather, who arrived in Australia during the 1830s. The family established businesses in Melbourne’s Chinatown in the 1930s. Whilst Mark’s father, David Wang, migrated to Australia from Shanghai in 1948 and diligently grew a successful importing business, David then became the first Chinese Melbourne City Councilor in the 1970s. Mark studied at the National Gallery of Victoria Art School then travelled around China extensively to import arts and crafts products for his father’s business. With his family background and sense of civic duty, Mark has an insightful interest and understanding of the Chinese diaspora in Australia and has supported the Chinese Museum since its inception in 1984.


Yue Ma, Director of Collections and Research, and Herb Tam, Curator and Director of Exhibitions at the Museum of Chinese in America (MOCA) will discuss the complexities of public history work within the Museum of Chinese in America. Yue Ma will present the development of MOCA’s collection and its relevance to contemporary researchers, scholars, students and artists. 

马越,作为馆藏研究中心主任,自2006年开始在MOCA工作,负责博物馆藏品、图书和档案的管理工作。在加入 MOCA 之前,她在中国的深圳市档案馆工作。

Yow Cheun Hoe is Associate Professor and Director of the Chinese Heritage Centre, and Director of the Centre for Chinese Language and Culture of Nanyang Technological University of Singapore. He is a chief editor for Huaren Yanjiu Guoji Xuebao (International Journal of Diasporic Chinese Studies) and book review editor for Journal of Chinese Overseas. His academic areas include Chinese migrants and diaspora, qiaoxiang (Overseas Chinese homelands) ties, and diasporic Chinese literature. His books include New Chinese Migrants in Singapore: A Question of Citizenship (City University of Hong Kong Press, 2021); Singapore Comparative Literature Compendium (co-edited with Sim Wai Chew)(Balestier Academic, 2021); Guangdong and Chinese Diaspora: The Changing Landscape of Qiaoxiang (Routledge, 2013). His articles appear in important journals such as Journal of Contemporary ChinaModern Asian StudiesAsian EthnicityCross-Cultural Studies,Changjiang Xueshu and Waiguo Wenxue Yanjiu. 

游俊豪是新加坡南洋理工大学的副教授、华裔馆主任和中国语言文化中心主任。 他是《华人研究国际学报》(International Journal of Diasporic Chinese Studies)的主编和 Journal of Chinese Overseas (海外华人期刊) 的书评编辑。他的学术领域包括中国移民和离散华人、侨乡(海外华人的家园)纽带以及离散华人文学。 他著有 《新加坡华人新移民:公民身份问题》(香港,2021) (Migrants in Singapore: A Question of Citizenship); Singapore Comparative Literature Compendium  (新加坡比较文学纲要) (合编, 2021); Guangdong and Chinese Diaspora: The Changing Landscape of Qiaoxiang (Routledge, 2013) (广东和华人侨民:不断变化的侨乡景观)。他的文章文章发表于 Journal of Comtemporary China (当代中国)、Modern Asian Studies (现代亚洲研究)、Asian Ethnicities (亚洲民族)、Cross-Cultural Studies (跨文化研究)、《长江学术》和《外国文学研究》等重要期刊。

Huimei Zhang is a Research Fellow at Chinese Heritage Centre and Nanyang Centre for Public Administration; and Assistant Director (Research), Chinese Heritage Centre, Nanyang Technological University. Her research interests are Chinese diaspora, the history of the Teochew community, qiaopi and qiaokan, and Chinese business network. She has a certain number of publications in top-ranked journals and books. Her most recent publications include The Qiaopi Trade and Transnational Networks in the Chinese Diaspora (co-edited), Chinese Migrants Write Home: A Dual-Language Anthology of Twentieth-Century Family Letters (co-edited). She is currently an Executive Editor of the International Journal of Diasporic Chinese Studies.


张慧梅是新加坡南洋理工大学华裔馆和南洋公共行政中心的研究员; 南洋理工大学华裔馆助理主任(研究)。 她的研究兴趣是离散华人、潮州人社区的历史、侨批和侨刊以及华人商业网络。 她的文章见诸于国际一流的期刊和书籍。 她最近的出版物包括 The Qiaopi Trade and Transnational Networks in the Chinese Diaspora (co-edited) (侨批贸易和海外华人的跨国网络)(合编)、Chinese Migrants Write Home: A Dual-Language Anthology of Twentieth-Century Family Letters (co-edited)  (中国移民家书:二十世纪家庭书信的双语选集)(合编)。 她目前是《华人研究国际学报》(International Journal of Diasporic Chinese Studies) 的执行编辑。

Herb Tam will expand on the vision and conceptualization of MOCA’s exhibitions and their relationship to the collection and audience expectations. Their talk will reveal how various dynamics – resources, visitor feedback, institutional history, local and global politics – impact the work of a medium-sized social history museum embedded in an ethnic enclave.

谭海 2011 年起担任MOCA策展人兼展览部主任。 他最近联合策展了《月亮代表我的:音乐·记忆·共同体》。谭先出生于香港,在美国旧金山湾区长大。

Simeng Wang is a Permanent Research Fellow at The French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS). Her research interests cover Chinese society and overseas Chinese diaspora, global health, and transnational mobility. Her scientific publications include Chinese Migrants in Paris. The Narratives of Illusion and Suffering (Brill Editions, 2021), Chinese in France amid the Covid-19 Pandemic. Daily Lives, Racial Struggles and Transnational Citizenship of Migrants and Descendants (Brill, 2023),Chinese immigrants in Europe: image, identity and social participation (Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 2020) and Mental health and mental suffering. An object for the social sciences(CNRS Éditions, 2018). She is the scientific curator of the Exhibition “East and Southeast Asian migration to France since 1860” held at the French National Museum of Immigration History (Paris, 2023-2024). She is also the founder and coordinator of the research network on East and South-East Asian Migrations in France. For more details, please refer to her institutional page.


王思萌, 巴黎高等师范学院社会学博士,硕士生导师,法国国家科学研究中心(CNRS)终身研究员。 她的研究领域涉及中国社会与海外华人华侨,全球健康与跨国流动。她的中外文学术发表包括专著 «Chinese Migrants in Paris. The Narratives of Illusion and Suffering »(Brill,2021),主编合著 « Chinese in France amid the Covid-19 Pandemic. Daily Lives, Racial Struggles and Transnational Citizenship of Migrants and Descendants »(Brill,2023),Chinese immigrants in Europe: image, identity and social participation (Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 2020),“精神健康与心理苦痛. 社会科学的研究对象” (社会科学文献出版社,2021)等。她是法国国家移民历史博物馆“1860年以来法国的东亚和东南亚移民”展览的学术策展人。她也是«法国东亚和东南亚移民研究网络»的创始人和协调员。更多信息可参见她的学术界面

LIM KAH HOE graduated from Peking University with a major in archaeology. After returning to Malaysia, he participated in the establishment of the Malaysian Chinese Museum and has been serving there ever since. Additionally, he is dedicated to promoting archaeology, museum studies, and cultural heritage conservation through articles, online videos, and online courses.
