How can it be that so many clever, competent, and capable people can feel that they are just one step away from being exposed as a complete fraud? Despite evidence that they are performing well they can still have that lurking fear that at any moment someone is going to tap them on the shoulder and say: “we need to have a chat”.
The imposter syndrome is very common amongst researchers. In research, by definition you don’t know the outcome, there are many setbacks and your work is exposed to rigorous scrutiny. The session will explain why researchers often doubt their abilities and find it hard to enjoy their successes. It will also show the links to perfectionism and self-handicapping strategies such as procrastination, avoidance and overcommitment.
At the end of this workshop you will:
know what the latest psychological research tells us about what the imposter syndrome is and how it operates
realise how widespread imposter feelings are and why researchers can feel like frauds
be aware of evidence-based strategies that reduce imposter feelings
All are welcome.